Ever heard of a war that lasted less than an hour? Yup, it really happened! Let’s dive into one of the most bizarre moments in history
Most wars drag on for years. But this one was over in the time it takes to watch an episode of your favorite show
On August 27, 1896, the island of Zanzibar was the stage for the world’s shortest war. Sounds unbelievable, right?
A new sultan, Khalid bin Barghash, took the throne. The British didn’t like him and demanded he step down. Khalid refused. Big mistake!
At 9:02 AM, British warships opened fire on the Sultan’s palace. The countdown to the shortest war in history began
By 9:45 AM, the palace was in ruins, and Khalid’s forces had surrendered. Just like that, the war was over!
The British, of course. They lost zero soldiers, while the Sultan’s forces suffered heavy casualties.
The British installed a new, more agreeable sultan, and peace was quickly restored in Zanzibar
This 38-minute war is officially the shortest conflict in recorded history!
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